We are non-profit grassroots organization registered 501c3 in Montana (EIN 86-2399311).
Your donation will help us to:
- create educational and outreach materials/supplies for speakers and other volunteers
- maintain tech tools with recurring costs such as: website, database, team communication and phone banking
- hire full & part time organizers to accelerate the movement, provide training, and build critical infrastructure for volunteers
- launch surveys in Montana about Ranked Choice Voting
- cover fees tabling at important events
You can donate below and via Venmo @rcvmontana
If you wish to mail your donation, please mail to
RCV Montana
400 West Broadway St, Ste 101-349
Missoula, MT 59802T
This is the issue that touches all issues. The faster we grow, the faster we win! We need your time, your donations, and your name on our petition!
$5, $10, $25 per month? To fix our voting system?